Phone-Virtual EYE Standard RO 2.0
Aceasta aplicatie ii ajuta pe cei nevazatorisaisi utilizeze cu incredere si dexteritate telefonul.Aceasta are peste 55 de facilitati, printre care se includ :1. Informarea instantanee pentru :a) Cele mai recente notificarib) Cele mai recente mesajec) Deblocarea ecranuluid) Ecran active) Blocarea ecranuluif) Capacitate a memoriei scazutag) Baterie scazutah) Wi-Fi activati) Auto-Sync activatj) Mobile-Network activek) Bluetooth activel) Mod avion activem) Apel pierdutn) Inchiderea dispozitivuluio) Baterie incarcatap) * Optional : Detectare miscare ambientala ( cu IP WebCamPRO)q) * Optional : Gasire telefon pierdut in casa ( cu AutoVoicesiGoogle NOW )2. Cerere pentru detectare a cel putin 30 de comenzi vocale inometoda , in intermediul aplicatiei ( se apasa pe un buton, usordegasit pentru nevazatori )3. Optimizat pentru nevazatori : controlare prin nistegesturisimple, usor de efectuat pentru ei4. Auto-Dezactivare in timpul apelului, si la anumite pozitiialedispozitivului5. Primul si singurul asistent virtual pentru nevzatoricesuporta limba Romana6. TTS in Romana obligatoriuThis app helpsblindpeople to use their phone with confidence and dexterity.   It has over 55 facilities that include:1. Information snapshots:a) The latest notificationsb) Most Recent Messagec) Unlocking the screend) Active Screene) Screen lockf) low memory capacityg) Battery lowh) Wi-Fi enabledi) Auto-Sync enabledj) active-Network Mobilek) active Bluetoothl) Flight mode activem) Missed Calln) Closure Devicea) Battery Chargerp) * Optional: ambient motion detection (with WebCam IP PRO)q) * Optional: Lost Phone Finder in the house (with autovoiceandGoogle NOW)2. Request for detection of at least 30 voice commands inamethod in the application (press a button, easy to find fortheBlind)3. Optimized for the Blind: Control through some simplegestures,easily performed for them4. Auto-Disable during the call, and some positions device5. The first and only Virtual Assistant NevzatsupportingRomanian language6. TTS in Romanian mandatory
Phone - Virtual EYE Romanian 2.0
Aceasta aplicatie ii ajuta pe cei nevazatorisaisi utilizeze cu incredere si dexteritate telefonul.Aceasta are peste 55 de facilitati, printre care se includ :1. Informarea instantanee pentru :a) Cele mai recente notificarib) Cele mai recente mesajec) Deblocarea ecranuluid) Ecran active) Blocarea ecranuluif) Capacitate a memoriei scazutag) Baterie scazutah) Wi-Fi activati) Auto-Sync activatj) Mobile-Network activek) Bluetooth activel) Mod avion activem) Apel pierdutn) Inchiderea dispozitivuluio) Baterie incarcatap) * Optional : Detectare miscare ambientala ( cu IP WebCamPRO)q) * Optional : Gasire telefon pierdut in casa ( cu AutoVoicesiGoogle NOW )2. Cerere pentru detectare a cel putin 30 de comenzi vocaleindoua modalitati :a) Cu senzor de proximitate ( apropiati palma dedispozitiv)b) In intermediul aplicatiei ( se apasa pe un buton, usor degasitpentru nevazatori )3. Optimizat pentru nevazatori : controlare prin nistegesturisimple, usor de efectuat pentru ei4. Auto-Dezactivare in timpul apelului, si la anumite pozitiialedispozitivului5. Primul si singurul asistent virtual pentru nevzatoricesuporta limba Romana6. TTS in Romana obligatoriuThis app helpsblindpeople to use their phone with confidence and dexterity.   It has over 55 facilities that include:1. Information snapshots:a) The latest notificationsb) Most Recent Messagec) Unlocking the screend) Active Screene) Screen lockf) low memory capacityg) Battery lowh) Wi-Fi enabledi) Auto-Sync enabledj) active-Network Mobilek) active Bluetoothl) Flight mode activem) Missed Calln) Closure Devicea) Battery Chargerp) * Optional: ambient motion detection (with WebCam IP PRO)q) * Optional: Lost Phone Finder in the house (with autovoiceandGoogle NOW)2. Request for detection of at least 30 voice commands intwoways:a) The proximity sensor (close hand device)b) In the application (press a button, easy to find fortheBlind)3. Optimized for the Blind: Control through some simplegestures,easily performed for them4. Auto-Disable during the call, and some positions device5. The first and only Virtual Assistant NevzatsupportingRomanian language6. TTS in Romanian mandatory
Phone - Virtual EYE English 1.0
1. Information snapshots:a) The latest notificationsb) Most Recent Messagec) Unlocking the screend) Active Screene) Screen lockf) Low free memoryg) Battery lowh) Wi-Fi enabledi) Auto-Sync enabledj) Mobile-Network Activek) Bluetooth activel) Flight mode activem) Missed Calln) Device Shut downa) Battery Chargedp) * Optional: ambient motion detection (with WebCam IP PRO)q) * Optional: Lost Phone Finder in the house (with AutovoiceandGoogle NOW)2. Request for detection for least 30 voice commands in 2ways:a) The proximity sensor (move the hand in the front ofthephone)b) In the application (press a button, easy to find fortheBlind)3. Optimized for the Blind: Control through some simplegestures,easily performed for them.4. Auto-Disable during the call, and some device’s positions
Roumanian HD IPTV - Trial 4
Aceasta este cea mai usoara aplicatiedeteleviziune care va poate ajuta sa va vedeti toateposturilepreferate, incluzand o scurtatura pentru a putea vizionaJocurileOlimpice 2016!Instalati MEDIA PLAYER FOR ANDROID, de ANDROIDMULTIMEDIASERVICIES pentru a viziona cu deplina calitateposturile.Instructiuni :Instalare Media Player:1. Intrati in Google Play.2. In casuta de cautare, inserati Media Player for Android.Dintoate variantele, cea de la ANDROID MULTIMEDIA SERVICIES esteceacautata.3. Dati click pe instalare.Instalati Sopcast cu ajutorul link-ului de mai jos.VersiunePRO: pentru Video Player: penru Sopcast: is theeasiesttelevision application that can help you to see all yourfavoritestations, including a shortcut to be able to watch the2016Olympics!Install MEDIA PLAYER FOR ANDROID, for ANDROIDMULTIMEDIASERVICIES to watch in full quality posts.instructions:Installation Media Player:1. Enter Google Play.2. In the search box, insert Media Player for Android. Ofallvariants, one from ANDROID MULTIMEDIA SERVICIES is sought.3. Click Install.Install Sopcast using the link below.PROversion: to VideoPlayer: Link modulesfor:
This is the easiest IPTV service formobiledevices. YOU MAY INSTALL MEDIA PLAYER FOR ANDROID, BYANDROIDMULTIMEDIA SERVICES.INSTRUCTIONS:Add-on installing:1. Go to Google Play.2. In the search box, tipe the name of the app.3. If you ask for what app is need, view what app has theneededauthor.4. Under the title of the app, select install.App preparing :carefully follow this steps;Go to Settings > Device > Application Manager > ALL>your default browser name (ex: Internet) > ClearDefaultsYou only need to press on the channel that you want to see,andthe channel stream starts, without any subscription.Video Player for Android LINK:
Roumanian HD IPTV 1.0
Aceasta este cea mai usoara aplicatiedeteleviziune care va poate ajuta sa va vedeti toateposturilepreferate, dar si sa vedeti meciuri live !Instalati MEDIA PLAYER FOR ANDROID, de ANDROIDMULTIMEDIASERVICIES pentru a viziona cu deplina calitateposturile.Instructiuni :Instalare Media Player:1. Intrati in Google Play.2. In casuta de cautare, inserati Media Player for Android.Dintoate variantele, cea de la ANDROID MULTIMEDIA SERVICIES esteceacautata.3. Dati click pe instalare.Instalati Sopcast cu ajutorul link-ului de mai jos.Link pentru Video Player: penru Sopcast: is theeasiesttelevision application that can help you to see all yourfavoritestations, but also to see matches live!Install MEDIA PLAYER FOR ANDROID, for ANDROIDMULTIMEDIASERVICIES to watch in full quality posts.instructions:Installation Media Player:1. Enter Google Play.2. In the search box, insert Media Player for Android. Ofallvariants, one from ANDROID MULTIMEDIA SERVICIES is sought.3. Click Install.Install Sopcast using the link below.Link to VideoPlayer: Link modulesfor:
Flight Simulator VR 1.0
Download VR Flight, open one oftheextraordinary environments and feel free to fly overoceans,tracks, mountains, low poly environments and many otherlocations!Compatible with all VR Headsets ! No controller needed ! Juststartthe game, select the environment, put your headset and youwillhave an unforgettable experience !Setup your game, personalize it by setting the speed, upgradingit,change between VR mode or Normal mode, set the sounds volume orsetif you want to accelerate ! Easy control, tap once to pausethegame or back to go to main menu.Smart Main Menu, with animated windows and specific backgroundforevery environment !For SAMSUNG GEAR VR, download this app before: sure to have enough space and sufficient free RAM !Download VR FLIGHT and have an amazing and unforgettableexperience!